
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage
to lose sight of the shore.

Christopher Columbus, the man who discovered America,
was afraid to lose sight of the shore.
Where will America be like now? Will his name be known today?

Guang Xiang to be in his shoes ( I know abit difficult larz, Jux try k)
With i am to look back at the shore all the time, how am I going to make history?

Bedok North can't move on.
Bedok North was blessed to have great leaders like Kenneth and Xianbi
But, what bout the future?
What goes on from here?

Christianity is never to stand where we are.
We either move forward or backwards.
There is no stagnant cell group or revival.
There is only growing cell groups and revivals
backsliding cell groups and revivals.

We gotta move on from our past.
No doubt, E149 was glorious.
But the new cell group is going to get even more glorious.
Bedok North is moving from glory to glory.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Water Baptism

Hallelujah!!! There is this white slip of paper with some words on it. Then suddenly, my mum signed it. Hmm... what paper is it? Take a closer look, its a parent consent form for water baptism. Praise the Lord!!!

My mum used to reject water baptism at all costs. She would jux shut me up if the two words were to come out of my mouth. However, thank God for faith. I jux knew that i would go for this round of water baptism.

Truely, faith is the substance of things hoped for.

NLT puts it as Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

Woah!! One thing that Kenneth taught me is this," Knowing is one thing, Experiencing is another. Many times as a believer, this verse heb 11:1, is so familiar. It is not an "uncommon" verse, yet how many times have we experienced it.

What happened was when my mum still shuts me off whenever water baptism is mentioned. I can already see a signed baptism form in my spirit. Praise God. Whenever the other helpers asked if i am getting water baptised this round, i would jux say yes!!, den add most prob behind jux to be sure. I somehow know that, i know that i know this would be the time.

Praise God. But now, i am having a headache. What will my baptism name be? David, Joshua, Mohammed, Guan Yin Mah, Sun Wu Kong. Haiz... Jokes aside. I am hung in the middle of David or Joshua. Hmm.. Joshua Tan, sounds not too bad. David Tan, Sure sounds like a genuis' name.

Hmm... Guess i will go with? David??

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Multiplication Day

Multiplication Chalet

E149 was great. Undoubtly, it was glorious. E149 is a place where there is many first for me.

1 It was my first cell group.
2.It was my first group of friends in church.
3. It was where I first found my first discipler.
4. It was where I first had a burden for the School.
5-42. It was the place where i first met 38 wonderful people.
43. It was the first time i went through a reshuffle of the cell group
44. It was the first cell group that i brought my friends to.
45. It was where i first rise up.
46. It was where i first started to lead.
47. It was where i first experienced combining cell groups.
48. It was where i first became part of an extraordinary team of 8.
49. It was where i was part of a miracle attendance of 63 of svc.
50. It was where i first experienced my first rebuke.
51. my first excouragement.
52. My first O'levels(hopfully the last.)
53. My first Bible Study.
54. My first mulitiplication.
55. My first birthday in Christ.

I do miss E149. Having spend so much time in the cell group. But sorry guys. I gotta move on. If E149 is so glorious. The new cell can too.

Praise God for multiplication. Blessed be the name of the Lord.


Your Attitude determines Your Altitude.

There was this story about this majestic Eagle that is soaring high up in the high skies. An Eagle can fly the highest in the whole of the animal planet. Their eyes are one of the sharpest in the whole world and they are the only living creature that can look directly at the sun. So this Eagle had 5 eggs in the nest high up in the mountains on the canopy of the tallest tree. The eggs hatched eventually and the Eagle has to hunt to provide for the baby eaglets. So being an expert hunter, the eagle has never once failed to provide for the baby eagles.

But one day, there was a thief who climbed the mountains and reached the peak. He looked up to the tree and devised a plan. The thief then stolen all the 5 eaglets from the nest and sold it to a farmer. The farmer had many animals and poultry in his farm. He decided that since the eaglets still couldn’t hunt, their best way of surviving is to place them with the chickens. Then the hen will be able to protect and provide for the eaglets. Days passed, and days turned into weeks, weeks into years. The eaglets were now all grown up. All five of them had this sudden dream of soaring into the sky. But because they were raised as chickens by the hen. They have not learn how to fly. They can only gaze up into the skies.
Then one day, one of the eagles gazed up into the sky and saw this majestic eagle soaring in the sky. The young eagle told himself, that creature in the sky looks like me. And is it possible for me to fly like him. He excitedly told his brothers about that vision and they mocked at him. Laughing and joking about this so called vision. They told him to be practical. Disappointed but not discouraged, that eagle ran to the fence and hopped on it. He stretched opened those wings that have been unproductive for so long and flapped them once. Nothing happened. Twice, but still nothing happened. He flapped and flapped with all his might. And out of a sudden, he rose up from the ground into the air. He begins to soar higher and higher into the air and eventually alongside that eagle whom he saw, which turned out to be their daddy eagle.
The Difference between the one eagle and the other 4 is in their attitude. The one who flew was carrying the attitude of the majestic eagle, unlike the 4 other eagles who still tot that they are Chickens.
"Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes."
-Eph 4:22-23
No wonder this verse calls us to put off our old attitudes and soar with the potential in front of us. Praise God!!!