Amen! I just came back from the first lesson of AFV-
Its just powerful powerful. It really drove conviction in the heart.
We are all born to be soldiers of Christ.
An Army of God who wage war on the enemy.
The Bible says that God is a Man of war.
But even so, we do not wage war according to the flesh, but of the Spirit.
The modes of engagement are important, but what hits me more is when Darren taught about signing up for this army.
When we received Christ into our life, we effectively say that, "Lord, I am signing up for Your army. You are the Lord of this army." And like taking an oath to signify yourself renouncing the life of a civilian but undertaking the life of a soldier of Christ.
The Bible says us to put on the full amour of God.
God said, "I am a Man of War", "Vengeance is Mine".
He is the Commander of the Armies of God, The Host of angels in Battle Array.
The Bible calls us to fight the good fight of faith, To resist the devil and temptations.
No weapon formed against me shall prosper. For when God is for me, who can be against me. Who can curse what God has blessed.
Sure! Words do hurt, especially when it comes from people whom you are willing to lay down your life for. People whom you love. Words that felt like thousands of blades piercing into the heart. When pride blinds the eyes, when we listen to the voice of the devil.
But one thing is certain, God will fight for me.
The Bible says, 'those who curse me shall be curse-D, those who bless me shall be bless-ED.
The past tense is important there.
From now on, its a disciplined life of a soldier. One that obeys the orders of his
captain, sergeant and officers. But ultimately, one who listens and obey the Commander of the Army of God.