Recently, have found myself praying a different prayer.
I keep praying this in my daily life. In everything that I do, think, say and saw.
"Holy Spirit, let me feel how You feel"
And God really answers prayers..
Sometimes, during prayer, will just felt the grieve and the weeping of the Holy Spirit over the person, when I am praying for salvation for the person. Will just cry and cry for the person.
And at times, can feel the Holy Spirit getting very excited like a person! And just wanna celebrate and jump together with Him.. The feeling is like watching your soccer team score in a match.
All these experiences are just wonderful! I love the Holy Spirit! =)
Truly, the Bible says that God has poured out His Spirit upon all flesh and those who seek Him with all their hearts shall find Him. For He has not withdrawn Himself from those who seek Him.
=) Really blessed and honoured to have Him, the creator of the entire universe, as a personal friend.