
Monday, July 30, 2007


Amen.. What an adventure over the past 7 months.
Frankly speaking, I love everyone in the cell group and to be honest, each and everyone of you mean so much to me. Especially the helpers and of cos Xiu and Angela.

The times we spend together on the battlefield, in the wilderness. It is scary and sometimes very discouraging, but still God came through for us. The very first day we met at Kenneth's place, to the meeting with Gabriel in Yong Xiu's room. These are things that I will never forget. When Gabriel asks us if we wanna give up or continue, the agreement and determination to hold on to the vision was visible and can be felt. When everyone of us said, we want to hold on, that was the start of a wild adventure with God.

Now, the vision is near to fulfillment. And we have to go our separate ways as two cell groups. But tgt with E149 and their EXXX, all together we have 4 cell groups that birthed from the vision given by Gabriel in the upper room then. Man.. I am blessed to be under such powerful leaders. Gabriel, Royston, Angela and Yong Xiu. And fought alongside great and powerful helpers. Ken, Jasmine, Xiao Yong. But I looking forward to the day when we fight alongside again. On two battlefronts to gain more land.

One cell group can fight only in one direction. Two cell groups, two directions. 4 cell groups, 4 directions. More directions, more land won for God. Really an encouragement from God that I have felt impressed in my heart.

Multiplication is the catalyst for growth in all areas.

Catalyst, noun.
a substance that increases the RATE of CHEMICAL REACTION without itself undergoing permanent chemical change.

a person or event that precipitates an event. (precipitates: causes, send smth or someone into a particular state or condition)

Catalyst of Growth in:
1. quality.
all of us have to move up another level. To step into new responsibilities.
2. quantity.
We can be more focused on individual friends to integrate them.
3. capacity.
learn how to do more. learn how to handle more stuff.
and many others which applied in my own life.

But the word now is multiplication is the catalyst of growth.
I am blessed to say I have experienced two multiplications in my not-even-two years of my christian walk. We are living in revival man!!! No matter what the devil say about ourselves and what others say about us. What matters more still is what God says. I am living for Him today!!!

4 stages that a cell group can be in.

1. disbanding
4. multiplication
We can be in stage 1 but it is up to our faith that leads us back into stage 4...
E431 has done it. Incredible, really glory to God and the honor be to Him.
But it is really not possible if not for Yong Xiu and Angela. And of cos to the members as well. They are really the heros of faith.

GX, which of the 4 stages you want?
I will take multiplication anytime. =)
Be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth.

Our Deepest Fear

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
-Marianne Williamson

That is the light that the sermon on the mount speaks about.
To encourage others. Bringing common grace to the people around us. Problem solver

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Move of God

Poster for
Hossana. Noun
Expression of joy, faith, adoration, praise.

Praise the Lord!!!...

Ytd was one of the best times i ever had. Called up Xianbi but his phone was engaged. Ended up he was trying to get me at the same time too. Haha. Den we had dinner tgt(frankly, u call that dinner, so unfulfilling.) But then we took the guitars up and started worshipping together.
There was no chords sheet in the room. Nor any rehearsal. Totally was from the flowing of the spirit. Praise God.

I remember we palyed in such a sequence.

Come Holy Spirit.
Holy and anointed one,
I want to sing,
Thank You.

Its a totally medley style of worship. Haha.. It was a mind-blowing experience. Praise the Lord...
Worship builds atmosphere.
Prayer builds miracles and deliverance. 
Fasting disciplines the flesh.

3-in-1 combo meal. Upsize the Word of God.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Woah.. Was listening to Pastor Phil's sermon.

The power of worship is that it creates an atmosphere.
The power of an atmosphere creates an attitude.
The power of attitude is that it gives us authority.
And the power of authority determines our altitude.

What kind of atmosphere we want to create.
Worship idols, evil atmosphere.
Worship God, God becomes my atmosphere.
Which is the centre of my life?

Build a Godly atmosphere!!!


Man, I have been worshipping in chinese for the past few days... Truely God is multilingual!! hahaha.. Love Him!!!

Knowledge is good, wisdom is better.
Knowing is good, experiencing is better.
Being blessed is good, to bless is better.
Good is the worst enemy of best.

Praise God


As the deer pants for the water, so my soul it longs for You.

Your name is like honey on my lips. So sweet, so delicious, so precious.
Your Spirit like water to my soul. So satisfying, so refreshing, so cooling.
Your Word is a lamp unto my feet. So faithful, so encouraging, so loving.

God, I want more of You.
I can spend the whole night worshipping and dwelling in Your presence.
There is no where on earth like this.
No place can compare to the place that You visit.

I wanna stay.
I wanna stay here with You.
Dun leave me or forsake me.
Thats all that I pray.

I have nothing to give to You.
Just a life to live for You.
Use me again Lord.
I cry out to You!!!
Use me again Lord!!!
can you hear my voice?

Lord, whatever I am going through.
Use it for Your glory.
I will wait upon You.
Upon Your timing.
I will wait till You come.
I am serious about You.

I will seek till I find You.
I will not stop seeking You. 
You are hiding in a place where You know I would find You if I try.

You are beautiful, faithful and true.
You are the peace that guards my heart.
I love You, Lord.
You matter more to me than life itself.

Look at Your altar again.
Can You smell the sweet aroma as I climb back unto Your altar.
Offering You nothing but this life.
God, here I am.

All Yours...

Monday, July 23, 2007


I was reading an online magazine article on revival during lecture break and it is really a powerful article.

This article was talking about the majority of the American churches having a revival mindset but not experiencing revival. Proclaiming revival but instead churches there are stagnating and backsliding.

This is a
|John Knox prayed this prayer to God when he was in the hull of a french warship, taken prisoner. France and Scotland was in war then. And John Knox prayed this prayer. "God give me Scotland or I die!" He prayed desperately for 7 years!!! And then God moved. God only move through those who are desperate.

A passage in the article:
[A Chinese Christian recently visited the United States and toured churches here. At the end of the trip he was asked what he thought about American spirituality. He answered, "I am amazed at how much the church in America can accomplish without the Holy Spirit."
We have large buildings and many programs but still no move of God. We have more trained ministers and more Bible colleges than any other nation but no revival. We have seminars on revivals and huge campaigns to promote our meetings. But where is the revival?
We have spotless theology but no doxology. We have no song in our hearts. We have replaced true experience with hyperactivity. Our theologians sit in swivel chairs in ivory towers and hand out edicts to those down below.]

Man.. How much can we do without the Spirit of God? I am really pondering on this qns. All great man of God who depended on the Holy Spirit moved mightily and revivals broke forth.
Pastor Phil in Sydney, Australia. Pastor Benny Hinn in the whole world. Reinhard Bonnke in Africa. Pastor Ulf in Russia. And ultimately our very own Dr Rev. Kong Hee who brought forth a mighty move of God in the entire region. 

Institutional Revival starts with self-revival.
Institutional Revival sparks off national revival.
National Revival sparks off region.
Region sparks off continental
Continental sparks of global Revival

How to save the world?
The world is so big, what can I do.
There is a math fomula, theory

[It is a statistical fact that if a born-again believer commits 6 months to disciple a spiritually younger believer, who in turn spends 6 months to disciple another person, the whole world of 6 billion people could be reached in 16 years!]

Unbelievable but true. The world can be saved. 

We are living in Revival.
We hold the trumpet.


David Tan Guang Xiang
Hebrew: גשהןג אשמ עושמע סןשמע

Walking with God.

Amen, Hallelujah, Praise the Lord (Any resemblance to any person or incident IS INTENDED) haha.. Wow.. Today was a great day!!! (Everyday is, when we are walking with God.)

Today, I felt very impressed in my heart for the entire day about walking with God. I was listening to the song "At the Beginning" today (yes, Jasmine) and can't help but agreeing with the lyrics about our walk with God. Life is a road and I wanna keep moving.
Many times when we are on our way home, we often want to stay with our close friends for as long as we possibly can. To the extent that we are willing to send that person home and take a longer journey back home. However, when we are with friends that are not so close with us, sometimes we can't wait to get home! Or when we are too tired, we meet some friends that are not in our inner circle, we try to avoid them so that we can really have some rest (come on! dun act as if u didn't do it before. Hahaha) 

Really life is not about destination but the journey. But most of the time the journey is not about the journey itself but who is with you on the journey!!!... (Bulls eye!) And praise the Lord, we got the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords on this journey with us!!!
Man, I type the word "walk, God" and "Walk, Lord" into the keyword search in and began reading the verse of Enoch. He has only a few verses to him, excluding those which talked about the family line. But man, he is an inspiration.
He lived for 365 years and out of that 365 years, he spent 300 years walking with God. What king of relationship is this man!!!.. It is just like the relationship of a close friend. God and Enoch just wanna dwell with one another as long as they could together. Until the point when God told Enoch,(Modern day singlish):"Hey Enoch, steady larz. Come my house ton. I want to stay with you as long as I can leiz." I wanna walk with God too. And not just brush across or in front or behind one another. But I wanna rub shoulders with Him, to be in His inner circle. That is where I wanna be. As close, as long as I could with Him. I wanna please Him like how Enoch did. Hebrews 11:5 said that before Enoch was taken away to be with God, he was commended as one who pleased God. 

God has said and promised in Leviticus 26:12, "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be My people." God said "will", He didn't say 'might',
'maybe', 'could-be', 'see first'. He said: "WILL" 

"If God promised it 
and I believe it,
that settles it."

The Bible also says in Micah 6:8
"He has showed you, O man, what is good
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to WALK HUMBLY with your God."

What is good? Walking with Jesus everyday of course.
Every morning now, I would wake up and tell God: "its time for another adventure."
what exciting lives Christians live.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Authentic Spirituality

Wow!!! Today's svc is powerful man.. Hahaha...
I really thank God that I am in the flow of the church. 
A life of fasting and prayer!!!
Thats a vision given by God for a year during my birthday and the week before that.
I really thank God for confirming the vision.
=) I read something that the famous evangelist John Calvin once said,"God may not always be there when we ask Him to be, but God will always be on time." 
How very true. God wants us to wait for Him. Because only people who are willing to wait are serious with Him. Like what Pastor preached today,"God hides in the hiding place for us to find Him." Because only those who are willing to seek Him are serious with Him.
Wait and Seek the Lord.

This is what I told one of my classmates who didn't allow me to go off at first early for svc. She told me that its JUST one svc that u will miss, I also skipping my church. Then I said smth deep from my heart, and I felt the presence and approval of God," My God is more important to me than life itself." Man... Drove conviction not only in her, but in myself too. Didn't expect myself to have such a boldness. I shocked myself too. Hahaha.. But I really thank God that I said that. And production miraculously completed 3hrs ahead of schedule. Man, must be and must be God... hahaha... I only heard of production behind of schedule before but not ahead. And its ahead by 3Hrs!!! I thought I would reach svc late and in fact I had time to send one of the friends, who I am reaching out to, to Toa Payoh Mrt station and grab a Ramly burger at foyer three and also be early for svc. Praise God... Hallelujah!!!

Blessed Day

Wow~~~ Today is phenomenal!!!
Went to school, did writtcomm discussion, went to sentosa, den to tampines and played for SinDa and Felicia.

Sentosa shall blog another time, but lets really talk about the cell group meeting.
Actually the message preached was the same one preached by Hui Jun last week, but nevertheless, God's Word is always a double-edged sword to our soul. God will always protect. Our Vision, finances, assets, dreams, spiritual life, studies, ministry may be stolen by the devil, but God WILL always protect them and of course our very lives also.

During the practice session with Sinda and Felicia was powerful. Can sense a thick atmosphere of worship and His presence. And Sinda just laid hands and prayed for me for the anointing. =) Thanks Man!!! haha...But during cell group, got a little intimidated by the working adults around. But thank God for His grace. The praise and worship started not so well, but it picked up. But there are alot of points that Felicia and Sinda pointed out that can be improved.

After the whole cell group, almost everyone was in tears during ministry time and Sinda prayed a powerful and mighty prayer.  Den came the powerful part, after everyone has left Felicia's house because I have not kept my guitar and my barang-barang aft the whole day in school. So Felicia asked me causually how am I going back, and I told her my mum will be picking me up at 11pm(It was 10.30 den, we had a 2-half-hours CGM).To my surprise, Felicia said," Guang Xiang, why not you take out your guitar and we worship together again. Lets try to flow with the Holy Spirit." Hahaha... Power larz... Worshiping tgt alone with a cell group Leader is such a honor. And then she laid her hands on me and prayed for me again. powerful day... All thanks to Sinda and Felicia. Not to mention, The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord!! my eyes re drooping liao.. good nite

Thursday, July 19, 2007

A picture tells a thousand words.

warm-up Birthday photos..

Finally I got them.. Truely it is not about how you spend ur birthday, its about who you spend it with. 

Clockwise from top-left: Yong Xiu, Rina, Jasmine, Weili, Myself, Xianbi, Kenneth, Royston. 

What better way to celebrate your birthday then to celebrate it with 7 powerful powerful man and woman of God.
I will never never forget it was with them in the upper room of XianBi's place when Gabriel gave us that word. Why not go for 50?.. I will never forget it is them that supported the visions of dreams of one another. Given two choices, to celebrate a presidential style birthday with hundreds of guest. Be it super glamorous. Or, to celebrate with these people, just having KFC or even takeaways. I would rather celebrate with these 7 people. No one knows how much each and everyone of them sacrificed for God. How much they went through. How much they had given their lives, their time, their all to God. Yet in all ways, they are grateful, obedient to God all throughout. They remained teachable, humble and depended totally on God. I am blessed to have them in my life.
With the "powderful" Sisters
Wacky Cellgroup

Squeezeeeeee..... (No Space)


I thank God for the joy that He has given me.
Frankly speaking, I don't know why, but I just can't stop smiling in whatever that I do or am going through. Haha, I just love to smile and laugh it out.

I remember even when someone is rebuking me, I would smile.
When I have victories, I would smile.
Even when I am going through valleys, I would smile.

A smile a day keeps the devil away. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Had a great talk with Angela online just now... Man... She shared and I really learnt so much.

My confidence is not in myself, my wisdom and my knowledge. I want to have confidence in the Lord and Him only.. I dun really need much encouragement from people(although its still impt), all I need to hear is a 'well done' from a whisper in my ear.

Also heard smth from Pastor Ulf's sermon... Its powerful... 
Man, when i live in sin, its an indication that I live pre-dominantly for myself.
But when I live righteously, it is because I live pre-dominantly for God...

Pre-dominant means I may still live a little for the other.. Just that it is not the majority...
I want to live for God.. Pre-dominantly...

I have a house full of treasure given by God, that is the promise of God, but i need the key. I need more faith.. God, help my disbelief..

God never fails, He never leaves me, nor forsake me.
He is moving, changing, moulding.
Isn't that what I prayed for, God mould me.
Den take the moulding and love it..
Only a fool hates moulding...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Great Quote from a great artist.

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together."
-Vincent Van Gogh


I think I have lost the fire again. I need to find it back again and fast.
I havent got all the time in the world...
6 more weeks... Multiplication.
I want to end my time in E431 well and victorious. 
Its not how we start. But how we end.
Time to do smth..

Monday, July 16, 2007

New wishlist item

Haha... Saw this new toy at Ranking music.. Now it is officially on my wishlist.. hahaha..
Those still wanting to get me a super belated present still have a chance.

A silent guitar
This super cool and good larz.. Just use normal earphones and plug into the socket and I can practise thru the night and no one would be disturb nor complain. And it can also be plugged into an amp for others to hear. It is light as well and it is collapsible. Easy for transporting and traveling. Price actually also quite justified. $250... but the only downside is that no matter what, still can't play it for cell group. And it is not a need but a luxury. But still I dun mind owning one.. So all u guys all there can hear me??? Haha. Yes, I'm talking to you. LOL

Friday, the 13th

Haha.. How could I forget to post this entry...
This is the ultimate for this week..

That day I took leave from work.. Just because I dun want to miss any part of the meeting.
If I were to travel down from work I would be late for the early part of the meeting.
I knew God is going to move mightily in the place.

I had a great expectancy for the meeting to be a powerful powerful one. And truely it was...
The Spirit of the Lord came mightily and it was not just a trembling presence.. It was a flying one.. Hahaha... LOL....

During worship, I can already sensed the presence of God ministering to me. He begin to whisper things into my ears. Assuring me, encouraging me, just telling me, no matter how big He is, I am never too small to Him. Cried buckets upon buckets during worship.. sorry Natalie.. Haha, u have to clean your chair before sitting. Filled with my tears. LoL

During the preaching of the Word really reminds me of my days in Bedok North. Walking from the bus stop to school. The long long stretch of walkway. Past the HDB flats, the lallang field. I would just pray and worship in the spirit while I am walking along the way. Ready for another adventure of life with God and my best partner, the Holy Spirit. I remember every morning before going to school, I would jump out of my bed and say this, "Lets go, Holy Spirit. Time for another adventure." Den came poly life. Always rushing from lectures to lectures. From home to school. Rush and rush and rush.. Didn't really have the time like I did in secondary school to seek Him while traveling and I miss those times. I have a vision to make time for God even during school days in school. And that was when I was the strongest in my walk at that time.

Den came ministry time. It is glorious. I was serving as security and thats for a reason. Haha.. Once I heard that the zone need security, I volunteered immediately. I was praying that whenever I catch someone, the anointing and presence would overflow from the front person to me at the back as well. And there was a particular time that day, when I caught a sister that cliff prayed for, the anointing swept so strongly, I was almost taken off my feet as well. Felt the impact so strong. Den of course it was my turn to be ministered, It was powerful as well. Cliff walked past and did not even laid his hands on me. I was already trembling when he prayed for the person beside me. When he walked past, he just blew onto my face and i got swept off my feet in the presence of God. And when I got up, Cliff got all of us to join hands and he prayed in tongues and got us to prepare our hearts for God to move again. Then the heavens open and glory filled our soul.. Haha.. The presence was so strong that all of us fell under the power of God and i actually got kicked in my head. Means not only myself got literally swept off my feet. Someone else was also.. That was the evidence of the mighty presence of God that night.

My only disappointment is that it had to end too soon.. but the fellowship was good too.. =) Have not had such great fellowship in a long time. Took the now-famous flapping photos. Inspiration from the angels. hahaha
Praise God. Will post it up asap. once i got the photo from Ken

A day of misunderstandings.

Ytd was a day of misunderstandings....
Haha, ya... negative ppl think that ytd was a day of conflicts. But....

Day of misunderstanings does not equals day of conflicts.

haha... Kenneth and myself became rich guys overnight... Not because of our spending capacity. Nor is it of our financial capacity. Nor did we we told fables and lies... It is because some people choose to feel that we are rich guys... Hahaha...

Went to visit some hotels with Kenneth ytd, Scarlet Hotel and Gallery Hotel. (ya Ken, scarlet so much better with a touch of class and glam. Gallery looks so good on the outside, but not really nice on the inside.) We went to view the pub, the restaurants and special attractions of the hotels. Got caught by security at Gallery Hotel.. Apparently only guests are allowed to the pool and the security gently told us that the pool is not for our access..

Hahaha.. den we proceeded to the bus stop but wanted a resting stop.. Legs are super tired after the long walks. We went to TCC and that is where all the fun starts.

We sat in the lounge that is separated from the main outlet and did our stuff there. I was reading the papers and this interesting magazine 'Marketing' and Kenneth did his self-study on typography. The lounge has to be closed at 10.15pm and the rest of the customers have to go to the main outlet after 9.30 because only den would they be able to close the lounge at 10.15pm...
Den ended up only Kenneth and myself were left in the lounge and the closed tag at the door was turned... 

Then the funny part came.. A family of 4 who arrived at 9.45 came and wanted to enter the lounge for their caffeine kick... But as they pushed open the lounge doors, a staff of TCC frantically ran forward and directed them away from the lounge, explaining that the lounge was closed and they have to go to the main outlet. That moment, the father of the family looked at the both of us, who was reading the marketing magazine and using the MacBook Pro. With designs and art pieces lying over the table. His expression was like, 'oh... the lounge is booked and reserved arz?' Hahaha... man, felt a little guilty and sorry for them and i gave a slight nod with my head to say sorry.. hahaha.. but it seems that to them, it meant. 'yea, we booked the lounge, sorry but u have to go over them.'
oh no... hahaha...
But it was still enjoyable.. LOL!!! 

Enjoyed the high life ytd.
Spent: $6.50

Quality over Quantity.

I had a revelation just a few mins before typing this post regarding quality over quantity.

God is always looking for the quality of everything.
During the Sermon On The Mount series, we learnt about the moral laws and how it is so applicable in our lives. And we also learnt about how the pharisees twist and turned the laws around and multiply it(the not good version of multiplication) to hundreds upon hundreds of rules and regulations. But Jesus detests the pharisees and their laws. He preaches a much smaller list of laws, but of quality, of substance. Dat is what pleases God.

God is looking at the quality of the people all the time.
Moses brought 3 million Israelites out of Eygpt together with him.
But God revealed Himself only to Moses face to face.
1/3,000,000 is not the result u want to see on your report book.
but that 1/3,000,000 was used by God mightily in the Bible.
How about the 3,000,000? Sure that they have no quality?
I confidently say yes... After not just seeing signs and wonders but experiencing the miracles themselves, the Israelites build a golden calf to worship. And they have the audacity( the defination is not the one that I endorsed and try to live, its the bad definition) call it Jehovah!!! 

Joshua and Caleb were 2/12 of the spies... 
12 men saw the promised land.
but only Joshua and Caleb went into it while the rest perished.
God wants quality, not quantity.
Who wants 2/12??
But the bible shows that God wants... If there is quality in them...

What are the qualities?
1. the heart.
2. the confidence.
3. the faith.
4. the trust in God.
5. the conviction.
6. the audacious faith.
7. the hunger for God.
8. A different Spirit

Quality over quantity.

Also one thing I felt when I said this to someone recently.
Is it worth it to exhange 3 1/2 hrs of work for the presence and anointing of God?
When Jesus paid with His life on that cross so that we can come into the presence of God.

Drove conviction into myself.
Its not about serving much... its about serving to the best and of excellence.

Details Determine Destiny
Destiny Determines Direction
Direction Determines Discipline.
3D(cube) Principle- version2.0 upsized today....

- this was edited 15mins later...

Details Determine Destiny
Destiny Determines Direction
Direction Determines Discipline
Discipline Dispels Disobedience. 
Disobedience Denies Destruction

5D(cube) Principle-version2.1, new patch to mindset downloadable for free.

On my knees..

Guys, if you have read my post on my movie hero and the powerful powerful quote that Rocky said to his son who broke down to the pressures of life.

 "Let me tell you something that you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you till your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain;t how hard you hit; its about how hard you can get it, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not point fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. cowards do that and that ain't you. You are better than that!!"

Man, if you that that is powerful enough, you expect too little. Haha...
I really love this revelation so much... 

God impressed this very strongly in my heart while I was in the toilet doing somethings that we don't talk about openly now... Hahaha..

He said this,' Son, no doubt the world will hit you down on your knees and keep you there. But its alright, remain on your knees. Just face the right direction. Face Me and not the world when you are on your knees. but stand strong in the face of the enemy." 

Hallelujah!! My God is just awesome!!! hahaha...

Friday, July 13, 2007

A Pure Heart

A pure heart, thats what I long for.
A heart that follows hard after Thee.

A pure heart, thats what I long for.
A heart that follows hard after Thee.

A heart that hides Your Word.
So that sin will not come in.
A heart thats undivided,
but one You rule and reign.
A heart that beats compassion
that pleases You my Lord.
A sweet aroma of worship that rises to Your throne.

Search my heart O'Lord


Great... I think I am failing written communication this semester. 
Gotta take it again next sem... man...

Thats the only module which I don't excel in.. I have to change my attitude man.
Kept giving excuses about writtcomm...

Losing dun make me a loser.
Winning dun make me a winner..
Its the end..

Gotta buck up

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Home Base and Anchor Point.

I was reading Pastor Gerrick's blog just now and found his starbucks post very interesting.
That is really part of his home base where the Spirit outpours so much to him regarding his ministry. It prompt me to think about my base camp.

It was the food court at Bedok North and the cafe there.
Sometimes I would just go up to the cafe at techview and plan stuff or even practice the guitar over a cup of Earl Grey tea. The staff and auntie working there are christians, so they dun really mind my presence there when it is not the peak hours when they need the space for their customers.

I love playing it there because of the atmosphere there. It has this sense of peace that dwells in that place.

Another Base Camp would be my bedroom... Haha.. This is the super recent base camp...
Ytd I had a tremendous time with the Lord. I am loving it.

I remember listening to 'sanctuary' on my MP3 while on the lift. And I lift up my hands in the lift to worship even when it was just for a 'brief' period like how I used to in the lift. (Ya, you can worship quite abit in the lift when you stay on the 16th floor). The moment I lift up my hands this time, the presence of God just swept in like a gushing stream. I teared immediately in the lift. I continued worshipping while walking to my flat because no one was on the corridor then and continued to feel His overwhelming presence. And when I reached home, I slammed the door and threw my keys on the table and immediately kneeled down to worship because I am very certain that He is in the living room. 

Den I had the greatest revelation throughout this period of testing. God revealed to me a passage in the Bible, 1 kings 13. But I will cut it short on the revelation.
In essence, God told me this, "Son, all you need to hear and listen to is My voice". 
And that life and death is in the power of the Tongue. 
And the last revelation that God showed me was that He valued obedience over sacrifices, quality over quantity. 

In that short period of just 15 to 20 mins, I was totally renewed, refreshed and ready to go again. Man... God is good, all the time. And all the time, God is good.

Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
They shall soar with wings like eagles.
They will run and not be weary,
they shall walk and not be faint.

Wait for the Lord.

I have learnt something about waiting.

Waiting produces the patience.
Waiting expands capacity.
Waiting makes us see clearly.
Waiting heightens our expectancy.
Waiting purifies our motives.
Waiting causes us to grow.
Waiting causes roots to grow deeper and stronger.
Waiting produces fruits.
Waiting germinates seeds.
Waiting tests faith.
Waiting tests conviction
Waiting is waiting.
Wait upon the Lord I say.

Moses waited.
Joshua waited.
Caleb waited.
David waited.(read psalm, Haha)
Paul waited.

But the best of all, Jesus waited.
He knew that He was the messiah when He was 12. (In the temple)
But He only performed His first miracle at the wedding of Canaan.
How many years was that, It was after the baptism, when He was about 30 years old.
He waited for 18 years. Thats how old I am now.

Waiting is one thing, to wait with patience is another.
Audacious Faith
Audacious power.

Dr Bernard drove a conviction into my heart when he said this.
I want you to set an audacious goal that God will say," you got the nerve to ask Me for this?"
Thats the kind of goals I want to set.
Because it will take faith and confidence.
It is impossible to please God without faith.

That makes life interesting and have a purpose.
Multiplication is near. Hmm...


This is what anointing is...
I want to have it too...

Pastor Rocks...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Your Future Is Only As Bright As The Principles You Embrace.
-Robb Thompson 


Today I have got a whole new defination of excellence.

"Excellence is the attention to details that gives rise to superior performance which leads to promotion in life."

I want to have excellence in my life...

Details Determine Destiny.
D3 Principle...

The Heart

Your Heart is the Soil Where Your Thoughts Become Seeds That Create Your Future.
“Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.”Proverbs 4:23 (NKJV)
The final item on the Passover table is something called charoses. Charoses is made from ground apples, red wine, cinnamon, and sugar. This paste looks very much like mortar and represents the mortar the Israelites heaped upon the bricks when they were slaves. Charoses is the very heart of the Passover table, the seed that created Israel’s future.

The voices and thoughts that enter your mind are also seeds. You have a choice over which seeds get planted and which get rejected. Your heart becomes the fertile soil where those seeds are planted, become mature, and produce fruit. There is no way to avoid this process of “heart germination,” for the Bible tells us in Proverbs 4:23 that this is how God designed the human heart to function. “Keep [manage, tend, protect, safeguard, watch over, preserve, chaperon, care for, be a good steward over] your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” The only way to assure good outcomes in your life is to plant good seeds inside your heart.

When I went through a difficult period in my life, it primarily occurred because early in my childhood, bad seeds were planted inside my heart, and those seeds matured, producing bad fruit. Destructive thought-seeds take root and begin to grow because you choose to believe what they say is the truth. Additionally, you even begin to believe evil concerning yourself. It is important to realize that any thought left unchallenged is established as fact. Therefore, take the abundance of seeds of God’s Word and sprinkle them onto the soil of your heart (the charoses, the mortar), give it some time, and watch it grow a bountiful and life-changing harvest.
By Pastor Robb Thompson


Had a great time typing out the email just now. Accounting my life.
Accountability used to be something that I really dun like doing.
But I have learnt and experience the power of accountability.
It really opens you up to another dimension and that experience is instant. Even before your leader replies you, God has already moved.

I am falling in love with accountability.
All great man of God accounts his life. 
Yong Xiu, Angela, Gabriel.
Even Pastor Kong accounts his life to Pastor Ulf.

Man, no wonder Pastor is so blessed.

In the past, I hate accounting because it makes me seemed negative and weak.
But God says when we are weak, then He is strong.
It takes to hands to clap.
God wants to strengthen us,
but we need to admit that we need Him in that particular area of our life before He can move.
A leader is the best person to go to.
They are so much closer to God and they have so much more experience in life.

I am blessed that I have someone to account my life to.
=) Hallelujah!!!


Man!!! I can't believe it.. 
I was walking back home from the bus-stop just now. And just moments before I stepped into my house lift, I smelled something.
It was a pile of human waste in the lift. Yucks.... And it was freshly released too, because it still looks wet. 


Monday, July 09, 2007

Holding on..

I dun want to give up...
Emotions say give up..

I want to hold on...

Ps 27

Psalm 27
of David

1. The LORD is my light and my salvation-
whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life-
of whom shall I be afraid

2. When evil men advance against me
to devour my flesh,
when my enemies and foes attack me,
they will stumble and fall.

3. Though an army besiege me,
my heart will not fear;
though war break out against me,
even then will I be confident.

4. One thing I ask of the LORD,
this is what I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life, 
to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
and to seek Him in His temple.

5. For in the day of trouble
He will keep me safe in His dwelling
He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle
and set me high upon a rock. 

Renewed and refreshed..

Ytd was one of the greatest time I ever spent with the Lord during quiet time.
Took up the guitar and strummed the simplest ever family chords and prayed in tongues.
Den He came, not just as a tingling presence but a real, thick and alive presence.
Can literally sensed Jesus sitting on my bed and waiting for me to pour out to Him.
Den after which, worship, worship and worship.
Cried buckets...

[When You said, “Seek My face,” My heart said to You, “Your face, LORD, I will seek.”]
-Ps 27:8

Learned not to depend on feelings and emotions, but stand upon commitment and discipline.
Didn't felt like praying yesterday actually. But really felt convicted of putting God aside. Even during that short period of lying on my bed waiting to doze off, the presence of God was already there. It was as if He is waiting for me. I got up immediately to seek Him and His face. Den this verse came in a mighty way. And hit my heart. This is His desire. He wants to talk to us so much but many times we, as how Xiu puts it, placed Him in a box during weekdays and only take God out on the weekends.

I am going to change all that in my life. Prayer is coming out of the basement and into the frontroom.. 

A life of prayer and fasting...
=) Praise God

Movie Hero

If you were to ask me, which character in the movies is my hero. I would have tell you, its Rocky..
The entire Rocky series is not just about boxing like most people think. The Rocky series is about passion, dreams, determination, love and hope. It also brings forth the downside of pride, jealousy,, anger, low self-esteem. In whole and general, it is really a wonderful and terrific movie.

Rocky always stands up after a knock. He is not like Rambo or Bruce Willis in Die Hard, where nobody can touch him. In fact, he got hammered quite badly. Rocky said this in the last installment of the series to his son:
"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that!!"

Woohoo... Winner's mentality. Winners are not those who never fails, but those who never quits.

The writer and actor of Rocky himself has this perservering spirit within him. Rocky 1 was only given a budget of US$1.2 million.(which is very very little for a movie-even Jack Neo's movie has a higher budget.) but it turned un a total of US$117.2 million from box office sales...

Eye of the Tiger

Man... I just love this song from the past... Its from Rocky 3... The title is Eye of the Tiger...

Risin' up, back on the street
Did my time, took my chances
Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive

So many times, it happens too fast
You change your passion for glory
Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
You must fight just to keep them alive

It's the eye of the tiger, it's the cream of the fight
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
And he's watchin' us all in the eye of the tiger

Face to face, out in the heat
Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry
They stack the odds 'til we take to the street
For we kill with the skill to survive

Risin' up, straight to the top
Have the guts, got the glory
Went the distance, now I'm not gonna stop
Just a man and his will to survive

This picture symbolises a friendship of two person. Haha...

I am the donut and who's the coffee??

Look at the colour and guess. LOL!!!

I am the donut because someone annointed and pretty once encouraged me with her own story and revelation of a donut. Am blessed to be under her leadership!!

Yeap.... that lady is.....

Tadaa!!! Yong Xiu!!! haha...

She is the author behind the donut story that has really encouraged me.

Its about the sugar and the dough, not about the hole!! =)

And of cos we have the Kopi-O beside me.

basically, he is Kopi-O not because he likes the drink, in fact he hates it to the core.

(He ony takes vanilla or fraps from starbucks and coffeebean.)

He is none other than....

Wacky Bi...

How did we end up being great friends and so close and everything.

Its a long story.

Little donut and little Kopi-O were once not so good friends.

Den little Kopi-O reached out to little donut and they became good friends because of their best friend, Mr Jesus.

Almost everyday for a month or two, they had to report to a cavern in Bedok North Ave 2 to meet the most savage, un-sophiscated(Think about the Praise and worship, LOL) but powerful teacher, The Freshmaker!!!

He is ruthless in his ways, yet loving in some(some only arz... LOL) but we learned alot..

Den it was off to school.. We slew many giants together.. Overcame the mountain of backsliding together. Fought the giant of stagnancy... this is a journey man...

Bi... Seriously missed those days... but lets move on stronger and come back again when we are at least double the portion... =)

The SX and SD dream.... hahaa

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Power of Focus

Woohoo... Devil, u think u got me down?.. No way punk, I am getting up.
Really felt in the Spirit that this is the 2nd sprint.
Someone once said, life is not a sprint, it is also not a marathon. But it is a series of sprints. I felt it moving, sprinting time.... =) an ESPN commentator said this. Champions are not those who are strong in strength, nut those who get up one more time than they fall.
I am getting up. 

Discipline the flesh may be tough, but its all worth it. 
Practicing the guitar may hurt, but its worth it. 
Crucifying the flesh may be painful, but its worth it.
Being a disciple of Christ is worth it.

Simply because, He is worthy.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Worth it?

Fight, fight, fight.
New grounds, new doors.
Plunder hell, populate heaven.
Serve, serve, serve.
Practice, practice and practice the guitar.
Pray, pray, pray.

Sometimes all these things may just cause you to stop and think...
Is it all worth it?
We only have one life to live...
Is it worth it to serve God and place all that we have onto the altar?
Is it worth the time that we put into the things that we do?
Is it worth the blisters and hurting fingers?
Is it even worth it to be a disciple of Christ?

I remember playing the guitar and telling God this whenever I touch the guitar in the past.
"God, if I can't bring in and usher Your presence whenever I play, den what is the point of me playing at all." 

Have I lost the first love?

God, I am desperate for You...

Friday, July 06, 2007

Book of Psalm

I am falling in love with the book of Psalm all over again... =)

I have nothing to give.
Just a life to live.

Durian Yang Bukit Sultan Kuching

Hahaha... yum yum... Just finished the reputable Mao Shan Wang durian.. hahaha... I jokingly tried to say it in malay.

Durian Bukit(Hill) Sultan(king) Kuching(Cat)

Durian Bukit Sultan Kuching... LOL.... U know how much 1 kg of this strain of durian cost???

$10? nah.. not even quite close.. its a whopping $22 per Kg.. And this year they had a bumble harvest, so its actually even cheaper than usual... Crazy?? yes... My uncle bought a lorry of these man... must have cost more than $200. Definitely there's a difference in the $22 per Kg durian and the $2 per durian types...(strangly, how come can't tell, Opps!!)

Man, Chomp chomp durian feast!! haha...

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Wow... I am so blessed to study right beside Yong Xiu's school and being able to travel down to Riverwalk together with her.. It is always enjoyable to feelowship with her. The presence that she carries is wee~wo~wee~ haha... den had a meal with her.. guys, if u wanna find the most filling ban mian at $3.50, head on down to Central food court... ahaha... Man, i got bloated up... was uncomfortable larz... but I still enjoy the fellowship tremendously.

I have learnt something about detailness... Being detailed can shen sia hen duo kong fu. It really gets the work done and saves time and energy. After buying JF's present, we forgotten to take the receipt. So i went back to take it. After i got the receipt, and walked halfway through all the pubs and restuarants, den i noticed that the auntie did not sign across the receipt and price. So I gotta run back to get it signed. This time I paid super attention to every detail. Den it occured to me, what if the first time we would there, I paid attention to every single detail. The price, the signiture and the company stamp, Wouldn't I have saved time and effort. Learnt smth valuable ytd. haha...

Den aft which I headed down to penisular plaza to buy strings. But I ended up not buying. Because the guitar straps caught my attention. Haha, so I bought the strap instead. After buying it, I went home by bus and suddenly I just thought of the mastercard advertisment. Mine goes like this.

Beginner guitar- $45
Guitar strings- $8.20
Advance guitar- $300
Guitar bag- $20
Guitar strap- $19

The anointing of God- Priceless....

Hahaha... steady larz....

Its a honor to serve. For the

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
- 2 Cor 10:5 (NIV)

"Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ."
- 2 Cor 10:5(NKJV)

I felt that this Word will not be only for this season, it will be for my life. 

Just felt impressed over this verse over and over again throughout yesterday and I meditate over it. Just chewing the bread slowly and trying to taste and digest it slowly.

Wow... it is just tasty man.. The more you chew on the Word, the tastier it gets. The difference between natural food and spiritual food (the word) is that when you chew more on natural food, the more disgusting it gets, the less taste till eventually it turns into a pulp of tasteless indistinctive mesh. 

But the Word is just different. 

The more we chew on it, the more fragrant it gets. You will realise more ingredients that it consists of and didn't noticed the time before. And it has the exact nutrients that is customized to every individual. 

Okay.... enough of the discipleship and Bible Study. Haha

Really thank God that this word came in during this period of time. BRINGING every thought into the CAPTIVE of Christ. I am not ashamed to admit my weakness because I am working on it. My greatest weakness is in the area of thoughts and in the mind. God says every thought that we have, we will bring it to the obedience of His. Every thought that I have really reflects how much I trust His word and how much I know His heart. Of course we as humans have our own thoughts, we are not robots. But the thing is that I want my every thought to be of God and reflect the trust I have in Him and how much I know His heart. If there is any unclean thoughts or unrighteous thoughts, quickly capture it and pray about it. exchange the thought with something to do with God. 

Sometimes I think too much. Listen too little.
Haha.. I remember the old times when my teacher says: God give you one mouth to speak, two ears to listen. Now it makes sense again. God give me one big brain to think, but two ears to be the source of processing thoughts. The heart to perceive Him. =) Hallelujah!!

I am the clay and I trust in the Potter.
He knows the purpose of making me.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Together As Friends

Together As Friends

God has given me many gifts
one of them is you.
Despite my flaws and weaknesses
you choose to love me still.

When times were hard
you stood by me
Listen to my fears
how can I ever thank you for what you have done in my life.

Together as friends
we'll face tomorrow.
Together as friends
we have nothing to fear.

When you're in need, just calling me.
I promise to be there for you.

Just remember,

Together as friends
we'll face tomorrow.
Together as friends
we have nothing to fear.

When you are in need,
just calling me.
I promise to be there for you.
Just remember,
I thank God for you.
So just remember,
I thank God for you.

Thanks for listening, caring and loving me. =)