Monday, July 30, 2007
Frankly speaking, I love everyone in the cell group and to be honest, each and everyone of you mean so much to me. Especially the helpers and of cos Xiu and Angela.
The times we spend together on the battlefield, in the wilderness. It is scary and sometimes very discouraging, but still God came through for us. The very first day we met at Kenneth's place, to the meeting with Gabriel in Yong Xiu's room. These are things that I will never forget. When Gabriel asks us if we wanna give up or continue, the agreement and determination to hold on to the vision was visible and can be felt. When everyone of us said, we want to hold on, that was the start of a wild adventure with God.
Now, the vision is near to fulfillment. And we have to go our separate ways as two cell groups. But tgt with E149 and their EXXX, all together we have 4 cell groups that birthed from the vision given by Gabriel in the upper room then. Man.. I am blessed to be under such powerful leaders. Gabriel, Royston, Angela and Yong Xiu. And fought alongside great and powerful helpers. Ken, Jasmine, Xiao Yong. But I looking forward to the day when we fight alongside again. On two battlefronts to gain more land.
One cell group can fight only in one direction. Two cell groups, two directions. 4 cell groups, 4 directions. More directions, more land won for God. Really an encouragement from God that I have felt impressed in my heart.
Multiplication is the catalyst for growth in all areas.
Catalyst, noun.
a substance that increases the RATE of CHEMICAL REACTION without itself undergoing permanent chemical change.
a person or event that precipitates an event. (precipitates: causes, send smth or someone into a particular state or condition)
Catalyst of Growth in:
1. quality.
all of us have to move up another level. To step into new responsibilities.
2. quantity.
We can be more focused on individual friends to integrate them.
3. capacity.
learn how to do more. learn how to handle more stuff.
and many others which applied in my own life.
But the word now is multiplication is the catalyst of growth.
I am blessed to say I have experienced two multiplications in my not-even-two years of my christian walk. We are living in revival man!!! No matter what the devil say about ourselves and what others say about us. What matters more still is what God says. I am living for Him today!!!
4 stages that a cell group can be in.
1. disbanding
4. multiplication
We can be in stage 1 but it is up to our faith that leads us back into stage 4...
E431 has done it. Incredible, really glory to God and the honor be to Him.
But it is really not possible if not for Yong Xiu and Angela. And of cos to the members as well. They are really the heros of faith.
GX, which of the 4 stages you want?
I will take multiplication anytime. =)
Be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth.
Our Deepest Fear
-Marianne Williamson
That is the light that the sermon on the mount speaks about.
To encourage others. Bringing common grace to the people around us. Problem solver
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
The power of worship is that it creates an atmosphere.
The power of an atmosphere creates an attitude.
The power of attitude is that it gives us authority.
And the power of authority determines our altitude.
What kind of atmosphere we want to create.
Worship idols, evil atmosphere.
Worship God, God becomes my atmosphere.
Which is the centre of my life?
Man, I have been worshipping in chinese for the past few days... Truely God is multilingual!! hahaha.. Love Him!!!
Knowledge is good, wisdom is better.
Knowing is good, experiencing is better.
Being blessed is good, to bless is better.
Good is the worst enemy of best.
Praise God
Monday, July 23, 2007
This article was talking about the majority of the American churches having a revival mindset but not experiencing revival. Proclaiming revival but instead churches there are stagnating and backsliding.
This is a
|John Knox prayed this prayer to God when he was in the hull of a french warship, taken prisoner. France and Scotland was in war then. And John Knox prayed this prayer. "God give me Scotland or I die!" He prayed desperately for 7 years!!! And then God moved. God only move through those who are desperate.
A passage in the article:
[A Chinese Christian recently visited the United States and toured churches here. At the end of the trip he was asked what he thought about American spirituality. He answered, "I am amazed at how much the church in America can accomplish without the Holy Spirit."
We have large buildings and many programs but still no move of God. We have more trained ministers and more Bible colleges than any other nation but no revival. We have seminars on revivals and huge campaigns to promote our meetings. But where is the revival?
We have spotless theology but no doxology. We have no song in our hearts. We have replaced true experience with hyperactivity. Our theologians sit in swivel chairs in ivory towers and hand out edicts to those down below.]
Man.. How much can we do without the Spirit of God? I am really pondering on this qns. All great man of God who depended on the Holy Spirit moved mightily and revivals broke forth.
Pastor Phil in Sydney, Australia. Pastor Benny Hinn in the whole world. Reinhard Bonnke in Africa. Pastor Ulf in Russia. And ultimately our very own Dr Rev. Kong Hee who brought forth a mighty move of God in the entire region.
Walking with God.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Authentic Spirituality
Blessed Day
Thursday, July 19, 2007
warm-up Birthday photos..
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Great Quote from a great artist.
-Vincent Van Gogh
Monday, July 16, 2007
New wishlist item
Those still wanting to get me a super belated present still have a chance.

Friday, the 13th
This is the ultimate for this week..
That day I took leave from work.. Just because I dun want to miss any part of the meeting.
If I were to travel down from work I would be late for the early part of the meeting.
I knew God is going to move mightily in the place.
I had a great expectancy for the meeting to be a powerful powerful one. And truely it was...
The Spirit of the Lord came mightily and it was not just a trembling presence.. It was a flying one.. Hahaha... LOL....
During worship, I can already sensed the presence of God ministering to me. He begin to whisper things into my ears. Assuring me, encouraging me, just telling me, no matter how big He is, I am never too small to Him. Cried buckets upon buckets during worship.. sorry Natalie.. Haha, u have to clean your chair before sitting. Filled with my tears. LoL
During the preaching of the Word really reminds me of my days in Bedok North. Walking from the bus stop to school. The long long stretch of walkway. Past the HDB flats, the lallang field. I would just pray and worship in the spirit while I am walking along the way. Ready for another adventure of life with God and my best partner, the Holy Spirit. I remember every morning before going to school, I would jump out of my bed and say this, "Lets go, Holy Spirit. Time for another adventure." Den came poly life. Always rushing from lectures to lectures. From home to school. Rush and rush and rush.. Didn't really have the time like I did in secondary school to seek Him while traveling and I miss those times. I have a vision to make time for God even during school days in school. And that was when I was the strongest in my walk at that time.
Den came ministry time. It is glorious. I was serving as security and thats for a reason. Haha.. Once I heard that the zone need security, I volunteered immediately. I was praying that whenever I catch someone, the anointing and presence would overflow from the front person to me at the back as well. And there was a particular time that day, when I caught a sister that cliff prayed for, the anointing swept so strongly, I was almost taken off my feet as well. Felt the impact so strong. Den of course it was my turn to be ministered, It was powerful as well. Cliff walked past and did not even laid his hands on me. I was already trembling when he prayed for the person beside me. When he walked past, he just blew onto my face and i got swept off my feet in the presence of God. And when I got up, Cliff got all of us to join hands and he prayed in tongues and got us to prepare our hearts for God to move again. Then the heavens open and glory filled our soul.. Haha.. The presence was so strong that all of us fell under the power of God and i actually got kicked in my head. Means not only myself got literally swept off my feet. Someone else was also.. That was the evidence of the mighty presence of God that night.
My only disappointment is that it had to end too soon.. but the fellowship was good too.. =) Have not had such great fellowship in a long time. Took the now-famous flapping photos. Inspiration from the angels. hahaha
Praise God. Will post it up asap. once i got the photo from Ken
A day of misunderstandings.
Quality over Quantity.
On my knees..
Friday, July 13, 2007
A Pure Heart
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Home Base and Anchor Point.
That is really part of his home base where the Spirit outpours so much to him regarding his ministry. It prompt me to think about my base camp.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
"Excellence is the attention to details that gives rise to superior performance which leads to promotion in life."
I want to have excellence in my life...
Details Determine Destiny.
D3 Principle...
The Heart
The voices and thoughts that enter your mind are also seeds. You have a choice over which seeds get planted and which get rejected. Your heart becomes the fertile soil where those seeds are planted, become mature, and produce fruit. There is no way to avoid this process of “heart germination,” for the Bible tells us in Proverbs 4:23 that this is how God designed the human heart to function. “Keep [manage, tend, protect, safeguard, watch over, preserve, chaperon, care for, be a good steward over] your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” The only way to assure good outcomes in your life is to plant good seeds inside your heart.
When I went through a difficult period in my life, it primarily occurred because early in my childhood, bad seeds were planted inside my heart, and those seeds matured, producing bad fruit. Destructive thought-seeds take root and begin to grow because you choose to believe what they say is the truth. Additionally, you even begin to believe evil concerning yourself. It is important to realize that any thought left unchallenged is established as fact. Therefore, take the abundance of seeds of God’s Word and sprinkle them onto the soil of your heart (the charoses, the mortar), give it some time, and watch it grow a bountiful and life-changing harvest.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Ps 27
Renewed and refreshed..
Took up the guitar and strummed the simplest ever family chords and prayed in tongues.
Den He came, not just as a tingling presence but a real, thick and alive presence.
Can literally sensed Jesus sitting on my bed and waiting for me to pour out to Him.
Den after which, worship, worship and worship.
Cried buckets...
[When You said, “Seek My face,” My heart said to You, “Your face, LORD, I will seek.”]
Movie Hero
The entire Rocky series is not just about boxing like most people think. The Rocky series is about passion, dreams, determination, love and hope. It also brings forth the downside of pride, jealousy,, anger, low self-esteem. In whole and general, it is really a wonderful and terrific movie.
Rocky always stands up after a knock. He is not like Rambo or Bruce Willis in Die Hard, where nobody can touch him. In fact, he got hammered quite badly. Rocky said this in the last installment of the series to his son:
"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that!!"
Woohoo... Winner's mentality. Winners are not those who never fails, but those who never quits.
The writer and actor of Rocky himself has this perservering spirit within him. Rocky 1 was only given a budget of US$1.2 million.(which is very very little for a movie-even Jack Neo's movie has a higher budget.) but it turned un a total of US$117.2 million from box office sales...
Eye of the Tiger
Did my time, took my chances
Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive
So many times, it happens too fast
You change your passion for glory
Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
You must fight just to keep them alive
It's the eye of the tiger, it's the cream of the fight
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
And he's watchin' us all in the eye of the tiger
Face to face, out in the heat
Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry
They stack the odds 'til we take to the street
For we kill with the skill to survive
Risin' up, straight to the top
Have the guts, got the glory
Went the distance, now I'm not gonna stop
Just a man and his will to survive

Tadaa!!! Yong Xiu!!! haha...
She is the author behind the donut story that has really encouraged me.
Its about the sugar and the dough, not about the hole!! =)
And of cos we have the Kopi-O beside me.
basically, he is Kopi-O not because he likes the drink, in fact he hates it to the core.
(He ony takes vanilla or fraps from starbucks and coffeebean.)
He is none other than....
Wacky Bi...
How did we end up being great friends and so close and everything.
Its a long story.
Little donut and little Kopi-O were once not so good friends.
Den little Kopi-O reached out to little donut and they became good friends because of their best friend, Mr Jesus.
Almost everyday for a month or two, they had to report to a cavern in Bedok North Ave 2 to meet the most savage, un-sophiscated(Think about the Praise and worship, LOL) but powerful teacher, The Freshmaker!!!

He is ruthless in his ways, yet loving in some(some only arz... LOL) but we learned alot..
Den it was off to school.. We slew many giants together.. Overcame the mountain of backsliding together. Fought the giant of stagnancy... this is a journey man...
Bi... Seriously missed those days... but lets move on stronger and come back again when we are at least double the portion... =)
The SX and SD dream.... hahaa
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Power of Focus
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Worth it?
Friday, July 06, 2007
Book of Psalm
Durian Yang Bukit Sultan Kuching
Durian Bukit(Hill) Sultan(king) Kuching(Cat)
Durian Bukit Sultan Kuching... LOL.... U know how much 1 kg of this strain of durian cost???
$10? nah.. not even quite close.. its a whopping $22 per Kg.. And this year they had a bumble harvest, so its actually even cheaper than usual... Crazy?? yes... My uncle bought a lorry of these man... must have cost more than $200. Definitely there's a difference in the $22 per Kg durian and the $2 per durian types...(strangly, how come can't tell, Opps!!)
Man, Chomp chomp durian feast!! haha...
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
I have learnt something about detailness... Being detailed can shen sia hen duo kong fu. It really gets the work done and saves time and energy. After buying JF's present, we forgotten to take the receipt. So i went back to take it. After i got the receipt, and walked halfway through all the pubs and restuarants, den i noticed that the auntie did not sign across the receipt and price. So I gotta run back to get it signed. This time I paid super attention to every detail. Den it occured to me, what if the first time we would there, I paid attention to every single detail. The price, the signiture and the company stamp, Wouldn't I have saved time and effort. Learnt smth valuable ytd. haha...
Den aft which I headed down to penisular plaza to buy strings. But I ended up not buying. Because the guitar straps caught my attention. Haha, so I bought the strap instead. After buying it, I went home by bus and suddenly I just thought of the mastercard advertisment. Mine goes like this.
Beginner guitar- $45
Guitar strings- $8.20
Advance guitar- $300
Guitar bag- $20
Guitar strap- $19
The anointing of God- Priceless....
Hahaha... steady larz....
Its a honor to serve. For the
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
Together As Friends
Together As Friends
God has given me many gifts
one of them is you.
Despite my flaws and weaknesses
you choose to love me still.
When times were hard
you stood by me
Listen to my fears
how can I ever thank you for what you have done in my life.
Together as friends
we'll face tomorrow.
Together as friends
we have nothing to fear.
When you're in need, just calling me.
I promise to be there for you.
Just remember,
Together as friends
we'll face tomorrow.
Together as friends
we have nothing to fear.
When you are in need,
just calling me.
I promise to be there for you.
Just remember,
I thank God for you.
So just remember,
I thank God for you.
Thanks for listening, caring and loving me. =)