
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Heart

Your Heart is the Soil Where Your Thoughts Become Seeds That Create Your Future.
“Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.”Proverbs 4:23 (NKJV)
The final item on the Passover table is something called charoses. Charoses is made from ground apples, red wine, cinnamon, and sugar. This paste looks very much like mortar and represents the mortar the Israelites heaped upon the bricks when they were slaves. Charoses is the very heart of the Passover table, the seed that created Israel’s future.

The voices and thoughts that enter your mind are also seeds. You have a choice over which seeds get planted and which get rejected. Your heart becomes the fertile soil where those seeds are planted, become mature, and produce fruit. There is no way to avoid this process of “heart germination,” for the Bible tells us in Proverbs 4:23 that this is how God designed the human heart to function. “Keep [manage, tend, protect, safeguard, watch over, preserve, chaperon, care for, be a good steward over] your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” The only way to assure good outcomes in your life is to plant good seeds inside your heart.

When I went through a difficult period in my life, it primarily occurred because early in my childhood, bad seeds were planted inside my heart, and those seeds matured, producing bad fruit. Destructive thought-seeds take root and begin to grow because you choose to believe what they say is the truth. Additionally, you even begin to believe evil concerning yourself. It is important to realize that any thought left unchallenged is established as fact. Therefore, take the abundance of seeds of God’s Word and sprinkle them onto the soil of your heart (the charoses, the mortar), give it some time, and watch it grow a bountiful and life-changing harvest.
By Pastor Robb Thompson

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