
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Names of God

Both yesterday night and a moment ago, God has been revealing something about Himself to me that really impacted me.

Like with Peter, God asked me: "Who do you say I am?"
I answered Theologically in the old testament.

JEHOVAH or YAHWEH which means the LORD (All caps)
First use Gen. 2:4 (Jehovah Elohim). From the verb "to be", havah, similar to chavah (to live), "The Self-Existent One," "I AM WHO I AM" or 'I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE" as revealed to Moses at the burning bush, Ex.3.

And the characteristics of Jehovah is found below:

Jehovah-Jireh: The LORD who Provides
Jehovah-Rapha: The LORD who Heals
Jehovah-Nissi: The LORD is my Banner (Victory)
Jehovah M'kaddesh: The LORD who Sanctifies
Jehovah Shalom: The LORD our Peace
Jehovah Tsidkenu: The LORD our Righteousness
Jehovah Rohi: The LORD our Shepherd (Ps 23)

P.s: I found a few more Jehovah names on the net but I am not familiar with them. But basically BS in CL ever gone through them.

So I rant off and off with the Hebrew names of God, Jireh, Rohi, Shalom, etc
And then God stopped me and asked me, which is the common factor in the names. And I answered Jehovah, LORD?

And He replied: I AM WHO I AM, I AM your Provider, Healer, Banner, Sanctification, Peace, Righteousness, Shepherd.
I know its like, ya i know to many, but when God says it to you personally... Man.. Its just different. And then God just whacked me deep.

"I can Provide for you , Heal you, Bring Victory to You, Sanctify you, bring Peace to you, be your Righteousness and also Shepherd You. But the important thing is not in the Characteristics in My names, but that I am God! Jehovah comes before Jireh, Rapha, etc."

I know it sounds like Getting Started or Christian Lifestyle, but believe me.
Knowing is one thing, Experiencing is another

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