First things first, early last morning!
Berbatov scores his first two goals for United!
Man! There are a few moves and link-up plays that are really mouth-watering when Dimitar gets familiar with the players around.
Second thing!
I finally learned how to play scales on my guitar. Like finally....
Thank God for Martin, and I found the pattern and finally understand what do the diagrams mean.
The third and most important thing that made my day is....
The Worship Clinic with Brother Poh!!!!
Woah.. Blown away by what he taught, the anointing he has, and the heart, the passion and love for music and God.
He taught about smth that some of my fellow guitarists and myself couldn't really agree and put into words, yet agree at the same time.
Poh taught that if we have a Spiritual rating of 9/10 but skills-wise 1/10. The influence we carry would be 9X1=9/100 (Area multiplication and 10X10=100). But if we balance it like Spirit=8, skills= 8. We get an influence of 64!!! which is not bad at all!
And Poh said smth that caused me to ponder and think about.
He says once a guitarist came to him and the guitarist said this: My Cell Group leader asks me to be more spiritual and pray." Which he did but the next week, his cell group leader asks him to pray AND fast. Which he did, but yielded the same results. He did pray and fast, but if he is spiritual, it means the other side of the equation is out of balance which its his skills!
Ps 33:3
Sing to him a new song;
play skillfully, and shout for joy.
1 Sam 16:16
Let our master now command your servants, who are before you, to seek out a man who is a skillful player on the harp. And it shall be that he will play it with his hand when the distressing spirit from God is upon you, and you shall be well.”
I begin to think about how to get about and increase our ratings on both skills and spirituality.
And I figured out this.
He taught about smth that some of my fellow guitarists and myself couldn't really agree and put into words, yet agree at the same time.
A Cell Group or Church Guitarist needs which one more or rather focus on:
Skills or Spirituality?
All the Cell Group guitarist I know agrees on this: Spirituality is very impt to the guitarist or else we can just get, with all due respect, Yamaha teachers to come to our Cell Groups and church to play. But they will never be able to create a spiritual atmosphere.Skills or Spirituality?
Poh taught that if we have a Spiritual rating of 9/10 but skills-wise 1/10. The influence we carry would be 9X1=9/100 (Area multiplication and 10X10=100). But if we balance it like Spirit=8, skills= 8. We get an influence of 64!!! which is not bad at all!
And Poh said smth that caused me to ponder and think about.
He says once a guitarist came to him and the guitarist said this: My Cell Group leader asks me to be more spiritual and pray." Which he did but the next week, his cell group leader asks him to pray AND fast. Which he did, but yielded the same results. He did pray and fast, but if he is spiritual, it means the other side of the equation is out of balance which its his skills!
Ps 33:3
Sing to him a new song;
play skillfully, and shout for joy.
1 Sam 16:16
Let our master now command your servants, who are before you, to seek out a man who is a skillful player on the harp. And it shall be that he will play it with his hand when the distressing spirit from God is upon you, and you shall be well.”
I begin to think about how to get about and increase our ratings on both skills and spirituality.
And I figured out this.
Skills take humility, passion, practice and hardwork to learn.
The Spiritual side, frankly speaking, is a matter of Want or Don't Want.
Not discrediting any of them, but skills really take more out of us.
Seeking God, worship, fasting and praying Should be a delight.
But learning skills take a lot out of our character and one impt thing, our pocket!
Also Poh said a thing that touched me.
Relationship is impt in the Kingdom of God!
Like what he said, a guitarist really spends hours practicing behind closed doors, buying all those strings, (NOT CHEAP!), carrying a heavy guitar to CGMs. (Worse if there's school or work before CGM) Its easy to feel unappreciated, unloved and lonely. But the reward is in heaven!
And frankly speaking, from the bottom of my heart, Its all worth it!
I don't really think I am ever the first choice guitarist for many leaders or song leaders. I am not really a very good guitarist. From the start, when I picked up the guitar, it was just to worship God in a way that I can express myself more (rather than through the inflexibility of the CD player). I remember till today, someone came up to me, I didn't even have my own guitar then, and told me that I can't play the guitar because my fingers are quite fat, so it will be difficult to press the chords. But who cares... I am playing because I love my God and I am playing for Him, not anyone else. I practiced real hard.. Till my fingertips are scarred, and I don't think it will recover, cause it never has. My first guitar's fretboard are totally worn out! Haha!!!
I remember praying to God: "God, if I can't bring and touch Your Presence when I play the guitar, What's the point of me playing at all."
And then came E431 where I got a chance to play for the cell group, not because that I am that good. Its just because there is not one else. I am not plan A, really. But God do has a purpose and plan. I remember my breakthrough song. The Song's lyrics are:
I have come to bow down at Your feet, Lord Jesus
In Your presence, there is fullness of joy,
There is nothing, there is on one to compare with You
I take pleasure in Worshipping,
I take pleasure in worshipping
I take pleasure in worshipping, You Lord
And Poh said smth in Worship today that sparked me into recalling that moment:
Seeking God, worship, fasting and praying Should be a delight.
But learning skills take a lot out of our character and one impt thing, our pocket!
Also Poh said a thing that touched me.
Relationship is impt in the Kingdom of God!
Like what he said, a guitarist really spends hours practicing behind closed doors, buying all those strings, (NOT CHEAP!), carrying a heavy guitar to CGMs. (Worse if there's school or work before CGM) Its easy to feel unappreciated, unloved and lonely. But the reward is in heaven!
And frankly speaking, from the bottom of my heart, Its all worth it!
I don't really think I am ever the first choice guitarist for many leaders or song leaders. I am not really a very good guitarist. From the start, when I picked up the guitar, it was just to worship God in a way that I can express myself more (rather than through the inflexibility of the CD player). I remember till today, someone came up to me, I didn't even have my own guitar then, and told me that I can't play the guitar because my fingers are quite fat, so it will be difficult to press the chords. But who cares... I am playing because I love my God and I am playing for Him, not anyone else. I practiced real hard.. Till my fingertips are scarred, and I don't think it will recover, cause it never has. My first guitar's fretboard are totally worn out! Haha!!!
I remember praying to God: "God, if I can't bring and touch Your Presence when I play the guitar, What's the point of me playing at all."
And then came E431 where I got a chance to play for the cell group, not because that I am that good. Its just because there is not one else. I am not plan A, really. But God do has a purpose and plan. I remember my breakthrough song. The Song's lyrics are:
I have come to bow down at Your feet, Lord Jesus
In Your presence, there is fullness of joy,
There is nothing, there is on one to compare with You
I take pleasure in Worshipping,
I take pleasure in worshipping
I take pleasure in worshipping, You Lord
And Poh said smth in Worship today that sparked me into recalling that moment:
He said, "God wants you to enjoy Him, not just to play the guitar or song-lead."
Wow... Inasmuch as we are always saying that we wait upon God, He is also waiting for us all the time.
Man.. I felt that I could go on blogging and blogging nonstop! Haha! But I know long post bores people.. Do wish to continue. But maybe in another post sometime. Praise God! =)
Wow... Inasmuch as we are always saying that we wait upon God, He is also waiting for us all the time.
Man.. I felt that I could go on blogging and blogging nonstop! Haha! But I know long post bores people.. Do wish to continue. But maybe in another post sometime. Praise God! =)
My $300 piece of furniture is what links and brings me Closer to God!
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