
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cheap Grace

I was watching a certain Joseph preaching on youtube and really felt its not right in the Spirit.
But after a while, I was watching this unknown pastor from New York of quite a small congregation, not as flamboyant as the that certain 'Joseph'. But he preached with such power and anointing. He preached about Cheap Grace and how do we not live in cheap grace.

One point that he pointed out hit my heart!
The cheap grace practitioners says "I know God loves me, so He must forgive me."
But this cheapens the grace of God. Its like making use of Jesus.
If you love someone, you will not make use of the person.

When I hear the preaching of the certain 'Joseph'. It sounds so 'self-centered' rather than Christ-centered. Quotes from the sermon:

"When we sin, Grace abounds even more. It swallows up the sin."

Pastor Kong always preach about what Paul says, "Should we continue in sin? Certainly not!"
The word 'certainly' translated from the original text will be translated as "&#@!$*" its like profanity. Truly we shall live a live in the Fear of the Lord. The Bible says the Fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom.

One thing about Pastor Kong, his sermons are never self-centered, its always Christ-centered. Its always about Loving God and Loving people Its always about being carriers of God's presence. Its always about serving God. About being carriers of Revival. About Faith in God. Faith in His promises. Its about presenting to God a life that is of a sweet and fragrant aroma.
Its about winning the lost at any cost. Its about being Discipled in the Great Commandment to obey the Great Commission. To Bring Kristos Kai Kosmos, Christ into Culture. Impacting the society for the Glory of God!(Key word)

Hallejuah! Thank God for Pastor Kong and his stand on the grace message and having a fear of God! Thank God for great mentors that Pastor Kong have. Pastor Ulf, Pastor Phil, Dr A.R. Bernard, Dr Edwin Louis Cole and Brother John Avanizini. And also his fellowship of Pastors like Pastor Mark Conner, Benny Hinn, Pastor Mike Connell, Joyce Meyer and those who came to our church to preach!

And also ultimately for all the bible study materials available in our church. Truly it is a privilege and honour to be serving God in Pastor Kong's Church. =)

Btw today was awesome! =) went shopping with Gabriel. Its is just great man! Very blessed!

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