
Monday, July 23, 2007


I was reading an online magazine article on revival during lecture break and it is really a powerful article.

This article was talking about the majority of the American churches having a revival mindset but not experiencing revival. Proclaiming revival but instead churches there are stagnating and backsliding.

This is a
|John Knox prayed this prayer to God when he was in the hull of a french warship, taken prisoner. France and Scotland was in war then. And John Knox prayed this prayer. "God give me Scotland or I die!" He prayed desperately for 7 years!!! And then God moved. God only move through those who are desperate.

A passage in the article:
[A Chinese Christian recently visited the United States and toured churches here. At the end of the trip he was asked what he thought about American spirituality. He answered, "I am amazed at how much the church in America can accomplish without the Holy Spirit."
We have large buildings and many programs but still no move of God. We have more trained ministers and more Bible colleges than any other nation but no revival. We have seminars on revivals and huge campaigns to promote our meetings. But where is the revival?
We have spotless theology but no doxology. We have no song in our hearts. We have replaced true experience with hyperactivity. Our theologians sit in swivel chairs in ivory towers and hand out edicts to those down below.]

Man.. How much can we do without the Spirit of God? I am really pondering on this qns. All great man of God who depended on the Holy Spirit moved mightily and revivals broke forth.
Pastor Phil in Sydney, Australia. Pastor Benny Hinn in the whole world. Reinhard Bonnke in Africa. Pastor Ulf in Russia. And ultimately our very own Dr Rev. Kong Hee who brought forth a mighty move of God in the entire region. 

Institutional Revival starts with self-revival.
Institutional Revival sparks off national revival.
National Revival sparks off region.
Region sparks off continental
Continental sparks of global Revival

How to save the world?
The world is so big, what can I do.
There is a math fomula, theory

[It is a statistical fact that if a born-again believer commits 6 months to disciple a spiritually younger believer, who in turn spends 6 months to disciple another person, the whole world of 6 billion people could be reached in 16 years!]

Unbelievable but true. The world can be saved. 

We are living in Revival.
We hold the trumpet.

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